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More Coming...

More Coming...

We are carrying some new products, and taking pre-orders on some amazing, super-detailed new products. 

Have a look at the products by Kotobukiya. And look at new items for The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and many more.

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Credit Cards now accepted !

Credit Cards now accepted !

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to accept credit cards for online payments.
You can also pay via Apple Pay and Google Pay.

We continue to accept PayPal online, and in-person credit and debit cards.


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Upcoming MoTU

Upcoming MoTU

Masters of The Universe fans will want to watch our Facebook posts, as that is where we will be announcing when we will be releasing more Classics for sale. Join us here 

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Some of the Kindest Words...

Some of the Kindest Words...

We recently received an email from Michael Best that really touched our hearts. It is this type of feedback that makes us feel the long hours, painful memories, setbacks, hard work, and expense is truly worth it.
Rather than describe what Michael wrote, I will just repost the emails, with the sender's permission.....

Hello DH Collectibles,
it is *just great * to recieve your email.  May I please share that I reached out & placed my order with your reputable service for a few reasons that are significant to me.

1. I grew up in Canada, & I have been a member of the online Megomuseum since '97. I have been collecting Megos since '72: The first word I spoke was "bat": Thus, my Dad gave me a Mego Batman. It was a touchstone to my connection with family, meaningful childhood memories, and my deep appreciation for art and sculpture. Megos will forever take me back to good memories and family trips to K-Mart, Zellers, Woolco, smaller Mom-&-Pop stores, and ordering Megos annually from the Sears Wishbook.
2. I am an artist, and a great admirer of product and design.  Not only do I collect and cherish good work, but the Mego forum nurtures a community of like-minded persons, where we share with one another our interests, our memories of growing up, our in-roads as adults, and how to best support each other in accessing figures.
3. I lost my Dad last year. My Mego collecting has been part of how I have processed his legacy, as he consistently fostered a barrier-free understanding of my hobby and interest in the figures (and how it connected to my own art). Not only are your company's product availability most accessible with price and in-Country availability, but Brian is "good people": His word is reputable. If he names your company, it *is* a good company.  Equally, it is with sincere respect that I have purchased from Derek's collection. If I may share, I wish the family to know that parts of Derek's interests, passion and his legacy are going to a good home, with someone who also "gets" the parts of Mego connectivity: With community, and strong connections with our own childhoods and our families.
I am personally greatful for your service (and especially your email).  As your client, the proceeds going to Derek's family is particularly meaningful to me. I will always cherish the figures that I have ordered from DH Collectibles.


Our response:
Hi Michael, 

Thank-you so very much for your kind words and sharing your wonderful memories with us. This is exactly why we chose to offer Derek's memories in this fashion, rather than take the easy route and just sell off his years of devotion, hard work and passion to just anybody.
Your email confirms that we have made the right decision. This experience has shown us that there is great base of collectors looking for someone based in Canada who can offer what they are looking for with good value. When we started this , we quickly saw how many good people there are in this community who share the same passion that Derek did.
This has lead to our decision to carry on this business even after we have re-homed Dereks collections. We have learned so much about the hobby and business, that we feel that we can really help the Canadian collector and keep Derek's memory alive.
If it is okay with you, I would like to post your email on our blog, either with or without your name.

Thank-you so much
Tim and Dana

and finally , Michael's response:
Tim & Dana,
I am honoured by your words. Oh course, I am comfortable with you publishing my response for your website. I am ok with you providing my name. When I studied sociology before going into military social worker, I wrote a final term dissertation on the importance of collecting action figures, customizing, and making community (I have an academic / research-based standpoint validating my experiences). I was very close with my professor in my final year; we later became friends, and socialized with other academics with this type of community-building.  Subsequently, I used my action figures and the mythology of superheroes to support members and their families with PTSD. It's all positive work. Kindly consider how your family touches the community in countless, unknown ways.
I am thankful for your reach out, and I
am very touched by your letter.

Thank-you Michael. Thank-you so very much.
Tim and Dana, and I'm sure somewhere Derek as well,
DH Collectibles.

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Toy Invasion Update !

Toy Invasion Update !

Just two more sleeps and we are off to Toy Invasion !

 We are bringing a heap, a whack, a plethora, a bunch, a pile - an unbelievable amount of Masters of The Universe Classics action figures. We have Castle Grayskull, Roton, Battle Ram, Teela, Granamyr, He-Man, Skeletor, and so much more. 
You won't be disappointed.

And as they say on TV - But wait there's more !

We have rare DC Direct items, a bunch of McFarlane SportsPicks, 1976 Hall of Justice, Batmobiles, Starsky and Hutch's Gran Torino, Ghostbusters, Dukes of Hazzard, and a big assortment of HO Track and accessories by AFX and Tyco.

And don't forget - lot's of free giveaways !

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Super Special Super Secret Rare Most Wanted MoTUC Item Coming Up for Sale !!

Super Special Super Secret Rare Most Wanted MoTUC Item Coming Up for Sale !!

Interested ?
You can't buy it online.


You have to come to the Ajax Toy Show

There's only one.

There are no more.

It's huge !

Too big to ship.

What does everyone want for their Masters of the Universe collection ???

"Standing solitary in the desolate lands of Eternia, the legendary home of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe offers safe haven for defenders of all that is good. Whether you're a dedicated fan of the original series or new to the Classics line, no collection will truly be complete" without this item

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Free Pickup at the Ajax Toy Invasion Show March 31

Free Pickup at the Ajax Toy Invasion Show March 31

Anyone who wants to pick up an item at the Ajax show, can buy it here on the web site, enter discount code " event " , and we will bring it to the show.
Pick it up there and save the shipping charge.

You will have to provide photo ID to pickup your order.

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Door Prize

Door Prize

DH Collectibles will be donating a door prize at the Ajax Toy Invasion March 31st.

We will be giving away A Masters of the Universe Classics Eternian Palace Guards Action Figure set as the 1:30 PM door prize.
You can see the item here 

Come visit our booth where we will be featuring a huge assortment of MOTU and other items.

We hope to see many of you there.

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Ajax Toy Invasion

Ajax Toy Invasion

We will be at the Ajax Toy Invasion !

Toy Invasion Ajax Returns to the Ajax Convention Centre for the Region's Largest Toy & Comic Event!

• Toys & Comics!
• Draws & Giveaways!
• Costumed Characters & Special Guests!

550 Beck Crescent, Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1C9, Canada

Come see us there  !

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