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2005 Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 9 Nightcrawler - Action Figure BAF Galactus

2005 Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 9 Nightcrawler - Action Figure BAF Galactus

$60.00 CAD 
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2005 Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 9 Nightcrawler - Action Figure BAF Galactus

Capable of teleporting with a single BAMF!, Nightcrawler's strange and eerie appeareance belies one of the kindest hearts in the X-Men. Nightcrawler is a devout Catholic who believes in the greater good and doing what is necessary to achieve it. With a loathing of killing and brutality, he is most comfortable with escapes and tactics that allow for enemy discussion and peacemaking. Nevertheless, when it is time for action, Nightcrawler will always answer the call..

New, unopened packaging.
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