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2001 Lord of the Rings Fellowship Orc Overseer with Newborn Uruk-Hai - Action Figure
2001 Lord of the Rings Fellowship Orc Overseer with Newborn Uruk-Hai - Action Figure
2001 Lord of the Rings Fellowship Orc Overseer with Newborn Uruk-Hai - Action Figure

2001 Lord of the Rings Fellowship Orc Overseer with Newborn Uruk-Hai - Action Figure

$20.00 CAD 

2001 Lord of the Rings Fellowship Orc Overseer with Newborn Uruk-Hai - Action Figure

 In the caverns of Isengard, Saruman's orcs prepare his army for war. Armour and weapons are hammered while new born Uruk-Hai are pulled from the soft earth. The Orc Overseer stands ready with whip to assure the service of Lurtz to the White Hand of Saruman.


  • This item is in excellent condition
  • Packaging is shelving wear and tear
  • Suitable to display in package or to open


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